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Peach Face

Buddy is a Dutch Blue Peach Face and Scooby is an Orange-faced Dilute Green Peach Face (split to Cinnamon). Go the babies page to view their offspring.

Cinnamon/Creamino Peach Face

Crystal is an offspring of Buddy and Scooby and is a Cinnamon Peach face. Phineas is a Creamino Fallow with a pale peach band and redish eyes. Go the babies page to view their offspring.

Dilute Blues (Cobalt Blue Black Mask Mutation)

Both have light blue variations in coloring, a faded black mask and beautiful violet rumps. Go the babies page to view their offspring.

Dilute Blue/Slate Blue pair (Black Masked)

The female is a beautiful Slate Blue mutation of the Cobalt Blue variety and the male is a Dilute Blue color mutation; very pale with a violet rump. Go the babies page to view their offspring.

Peach Face Pied

Peach Face color mutation resulting in yellow/olive marble coloring. Slight peach banding on the crown, bright blue rumps. Go the babies page to view their offspring.

Fischer Lovebirds

This Fischer's pair is unque.  The male is a Black Cheek and the female is a Spangle Green Fischer.  Go the babies page to view their offspring.

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